Started the morning off groggy fumbled around and had some yogurt and granola for breakfast then had to sew D's ballet slippers, mer! strange project but I guess the elastic comes unattached so you can fit it to your own ankles.
Then dredging some already used sweatpants out of the laundry I prepared to go to the gym after dropping kiddo off at school. out the door by 8:30!!
iPod dead, had to use my Droid with Pandora to do my work out. Felt good though, 30min/2mile run on the elliptical, then 60 sit ups, 15 weight assisted pull ups then two rounds of 30/30s. Cooled down with a brief stretch then jetted to the grocery store.
$80 worth of food stuffs later I raced home and took a quick rinse before diving in to making a presentable lunch. My old school chum Paul S. came over for coffee, lunch and conversation. A delightful visit.
Then as I was putting things away I realized I had NOT started the crock pot full of beans yet!! gah!
OK with that handled I now have... 1 hour before I need to pick up D from school, drop her at Dance, pick up Aya and her friend from school and bring them home.
Whew, 1:30 and I'm spinning!
Tonight is coven so when I get home I will need to prepare for tonight's ritual.
I was hoping to stop off and get the metal detector from Matthew, perhaps I can squeak it in some how or maybe on Friday
Also checking in with and coaxing the CS P&P for this months OC.
I guess no house work will be getting done today!
The beans were amazing! yummy and went really well with the sauteed greens that were brought for potluck.
I goofed and missed an email, wound up sending two people after D at dance class...oh well better too many than not enough. So transporting kids about this afternoon was easy, but needed to stop off and buy D some food. Silly Grrl forgot lunch. Got a phone call from the old job asking me to take a survey, scheduled that for 4pm. Picked up some very sullen 9 yr olds and brought them home. Skot clocked off early to go spend time with them on a fort project.
After the survey I had about an hour to sit down and really think out a good working for the group. Releasing negative energy surrounding the work place or job efforts. Seemed appropriate on a waning moon in Capricorn. I even had time to set up the temple and print things up for everyone.
After dinner we got a call from one of our group that she was not going to make it so we had our circle with out her. :( the working was well received, my mates are awesome!
Back in the house, kids did the dishes, YAY!
Got a crazy line up for tomorrow!!
Kids bike to school day, visit the bank, take someone I've never met on a walk at Natural Bridges, pick up kiddo, piano lessons, pick up other kiddo, dinner and a movie? Dude! I need to get to bed I'm already tired.
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