Thursday, May 24, 2012


A gentle awakening with odd dreams. I got dressed and headed for the kitchen but decided to take care of critters first. Feed and water bunnies, feed the chickens and collect eggs. Aya joined me and petted critters helped with water bottles and alfalfa.
We went in and filled her lunch box, then had some yogurt and granola with Skot. I made coffee and we briefly went over the day. Skot opted to take Aya to school on his way to work with Sean.
Now on my own I can figure out the day.
I spent some time researching a camp ground on the coast for a coven get-a-way in July.
Remembered to water the green babies. Mom waved goodbye on her way out to a doctors appointment.

Finishing my cup of caffeinated courage I called Yssy's Mom to report the schism between the girls and our need to keep in touch about their wants and needs for play dates. 9:30am

That handled I then called Emma's folks and left a message for a Friday play date.
Social wrangling done I made some tea and met up with D in the kitchen, made her some tea too. While sitting on the couch together, her with her pile of homework, me with my graph paper and several ideas for yard projects, she asks me to fill out a questionnaire for her independent studies. Cool questions but it brought up a few more. We need to find out where she is at with her credits toward graduation.

The day looks simple, I'm happy about that. pick up Aya, take D to dance, take Aya to piano, make dinner.
We'll see if it stays that simple. =)

Well I'm still fartin around on the internet, but I did find a recipe for Turkey chilli and started the process of cooking dinner. =)


Ok got my ass in gear, started dinner, cleaned up the bedroom a little, got D in the car and out to pick up Aya, Dropped D off then went and had a picnic with Aya under a tree near the river before her piano class. Read a book for 30 minutes on the Divinity of money and then came home. Finished up making some really rockin good buttermilk biscuits and Skot made a salad, dinner was sooo good, I ate too much.
Then back out to get D, she wanted to stay an extra 15 minutes with her dance class to finish up the choreography. A nice leisurely drive along West Cliff home.
Just chillin with the villains, watching Skot play Zelda on the Wii. Had to totally harass the girls in to doing the dishes tonight :-/

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