Monday, May 7, 2012


Today I got started with checking on all the critters, fresh water for the baby chickens, food for all the bunnies.
Started working on the house by taking the bed apart, put fresh sheets on, washed the purple blanket, ran the green one through the dryer as well as all my pillows. :) mmm fresh yummy pillows! I then ran the kitty blanket and quilt through the wash.
Drifted around aimlessly for a few minutes, read email then started plotting my afternoon. I boiled a dozen eggs seeing as how our hens are being prolific and we have 3 dozen on hand! Once they were cooled I drew little faces on each of them then put them in a labeled box back in the fridge.

Mom and Skot left at the same time around 12-1230 so I decided to attack moms cubicle. I moved things around and vacuumed her area! Then I got over to Skots and my desk and vacuumed under them, moved the file cabinet to my side and discovered the garbage overflowing. Took all the garbage and recycle from our desk, Mom's desk the bathroom and the kitchen outside (for Skot) I discovered a gnarly collection of plastic bags under the kitchen counter so I collected them all up and put it with the rest. I also took Windex to the windows in the front rooms. Since Skot and Mom are allergic to ammonia I have to wait for them to be out of the house to use it.
I vacuumed the entry, laundry and pantry, yuck.
Changed the vacuum bag and ran the Kirby over the two front room carpet before putting it away. I lit an incense brick then turned on the fan and opened up the house.
I took out some chicken for dinner and started reading recipes.
2pm I put ice bottles in each of the bunny cages, it got a little warm this afternoon.
Terminex guy showed up, I directed him to the rat problem in our coop and asked for tick pellets.
Then I decided I needed to be logging all this craziness, it is now 3pm, wonder what else I'll get done today?!

5:30 pm update
I Windexed the window panes in the back door then fetched the remaining laundry out of the dryer. Finished making the bed, even with Mr. Skot holding court from the bedside. I rested for 30 minutes staring off in to space. Came to and studied for 30 minutes.
Fixed up chicken, Sunchokes with Zuchini and little potatoes.
Time to rest and reap the rewards of my labors. Later I will check on all the critters one last time and fetch the ice bottles to put back in the Freezer. Skot is making me a drink and we have a movie for tonights entertainment.
Sigh, a very productive day indeed!

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