Monday, June 4, 2012


Good Gods is it really June?!?
I spent the morning catching up on my blog, washing linens and drinking coffee.
Checked on bunnies, Annie has not yet kindled but should be anytime now. The two new kids are adjusting well.
Need to do a few more things online for CS but then may retreat to the couch for some more reading. :)

ok, 2 loads of linens, one load of towels, swept kitchen, bathroom and dining room, vacuumed the living room, hall and 2 bedrooms. A lot of carrying things back and forth to get crap out of the living room and I still have not put the game away that got me started on all this. :) LOL! And I will need to fold all that laundry and remake the bed, but it sure makes the place feel fresher!
The light summer rain has been absolutely refreshing today. I can't wait to get out and go pick up Aya. Perhaps we can get some sewing stuff for her today.

Yay! Aya and I went and got her some sewing gear, she is integrating it with her current stuff as well as clearing a space in her room for the mini sewing machine we know she has stashed somewhere. :)

Alrighty then, My student showed up for her session just as Skot was making dinner. We finished up just before Skot's student showed up for her session. I had leftovers and watched Avatar the last air bender with Aya until 9. Skot finished up with his student and is now putting Aya to bed.
We will need to make our bed before we can go to sleep. That is if I can sleep with such a gorgeous full moon out and the clouds are all gone!

Still no baby bunnies, she is due!

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