Saturday, July 28, 2012

7/28/2012 Dog gone :(



The family has finally come to terms with the facts. China is not getting better and is slowly declining due to her inability to control her bowels.
It is with heavy hearts we chose to have her euthanized but with full recognition that she will be much better off not having to deal with the indignities of wetting herself, not being able to stand or jump or even wag her tail.
Several people came by to visit over the last week and some of our loving friends gave us funds to pay for her treatments. We had a small gathering of friends last night, all took turns giving China treats and love.

This morning we had our mobile vet put China to sleep, may she rest in blissful peace running through the fields of Summerland eating the bees and wallowing in super stinky things to her hearts content. May all the Fey revel in her beauty and love while rubbing and petting her until the fur flies off in drifts of coppery snow.

Thank you every one for your support and love we will all miss 'China the Gate Keeper, Greeter of the Masses'! My only dog ever and beloved companion of the whole family.



  1. Tears of love roll down my cheeks today. Goodbye sweet puppy. Hugs and love to your family this day.

  2. I'm going to miss that sweet puppy. My condolences to you and your family. *hugs*
