Sunday, April 21, 2013


Yesterday I helped to lead the walk for Community Seed down at Wilder ranch. We had a small group of people only six. But it was a good group of people. The six of us took hands encircled up, meditating before we left for our walk. The beginning of the trail was warm and sheltered between two thick rows of bushes.

Further along the trail we reached the headlands where we could see the ocean, and hear the sound of the waves crashing against the cliffs. We wandered our way along the cliffs for about half an hour where we reached our side path that leads down into the Fern grotto cave. Everyone entered the cave with awe and reverence, the beauty of this place is overwhelming. We sat and shared our experiences along the walk, then shared a snack. Then we returned to the main path and headed for the railroad tracks. The tracks have been unused for many years in the greenery of mother Earth is reclaiming what is hers. There are bogs with reeds along the sides of the railroad tracks that are filled with frogs and pollywog's. And on the warm ground between the tracks with all its hiding holes is populated by a host of different sized lizards.

Our group returned to its point of departure in a little under two hours, we took hands and re-circled. Taking a few moments to breathe deeply and let the energy of earth, sea and sky fill our souls.

Woke up bright and early this morning. The sun was up no fog to be found. I felt refreshed and ready to just bounce out of bed and begin my day.

I got dressed quietly so as not to wake up my partner. Slipped out into the quiet morning. I started by feeding the chickens, the babies were swirling around my ankles. The rest of the flock just wanted to be released into the run. As soon as I released the adults chickens the babies crowded around the feeder. After spending about 10 minutes with the baby chickens I left the coop and checked on the rabbits.

Jet looks very sullen at the end all by himself now that Bunbun has passed away, Ditto was quietly munching on her hay, Mama Say has been pulling belly fur out preparing a nest for her upcoming litter of babies, it has made quite a mess. Pappa Ghost has some pretty bad skin disorder, he looks as if he has really bad dandruff. I will need to brush him again.

After checking on all the feathered and furry babies, I went out to the front yard to check on my green growing babies. The tomatoes are getting very tall. However on one side of the garden box there was a giant kale plant that was shading the first two tomatoes. So this morning I harvested half of the kale plant after watering the tomatoes thoroughly. In the next box over, my volunteer squash plants are doing quite well. The self seeded string beans are coming back after being attacked by snails, and the brand-new corn seems to have rooted nicely in the fresh soil.

I'm excited to get started on planting in my new planter box, it's huge! My beloved built me a garden box 6' x 14' and 2 feet deep. Today he will fill one half of that with dirt and compost. Then perhaps next week I will be able to put plants in it.

With the fresh eggs from our own chickens and vegetables from our own garden I feel very rich indeed.

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